Christine O’Reilly , Rochester, NY

Christine O’Reilly , Rochester, NY

Christine O’Reilly , Rochester, NY
It’s Not All Black And White
All weather quilted and knitted using ‘oil derived’ recycled materials and mono filament thread, plastic shopping bags: loom knitted white squares and frame batting, video tape: loom knitted circle-top embellishment, package netting: letters to form word ‘Peace’, and frame edging. Plastic table cloth: 3’x3’ base and frame, dryer sheets: binding knitted edges.

Kathleen A. Kneeland, Boston, MA

Kathleen A. Kneeland, Boston, MA

Kathleen A. Kneeland, Boston, MA
At Any Cost
Under rug padding, black plastic garbage bags, tewy cloth, gold ribbon and thread, embroidery thread, and wool thread.

Concetta Ceriello, Forest Hills, NY

Concetta Ceriello, Forest Hills, NY

Concetta Ceriello, Forest Hills, NY
Cotton and fleece scraps, cotton printed with 4 color inkjet printer. The images on this quilt come from a 1922 picture of an oil rig in Oklahoma.