Sandie Abel, Madison, WI
In Winter Is the Preservation of the World
Knitting, embroidery, and applique.
Your project, which I heard of from Fiberarts Magazine, intrigued and delighted me. All my life I’ve refused to learn to drive. Except for go-carts as a kid, I’ve never driven a vehicle. Never having driven, I can attest to the fact that you don’t need a car. If you don’t have one you choose where to live and work based on public transit. This has allowed me to live and work based on public transit. This has allowed me to work part-time instead of full-time because I don’t need vast amounts of money for car payments, insurance, fuel, maintenance, parking fees, etc. My employer offers a bus pass for $5 per year for unlimited bus rides anytime and anywhere. It’s hard to argue with economics like those! Good Luck with your project I look forward to seeing the finished result!